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【Matcha Recipe#7】Matcha Latte – The secret to our best matcha latte!

Matcha Latte Time for a matcha latte means time for fun and relaxation. So far, this is our best mix for a warm matcha latte. Herefore, we have experimented a lot with quantities, temperatures, sugars and milk. In addition to regular cow’s milk, we also tested various alternative milks. For us, coconut sugar and barista […]

【Matcha Recipe#5】Matcha Tiramisu – New tiramisu flavour has the answer to everything

Matcha Tiramisu Matcha Tiramisu with oat cookies has an interesting new texture and taste compared to the traditional tiramisu with ladyfingers and dark rum. A must try for everyone! For the real matcha lovers, we highly recommend to sprinkle the top layer of this tiramisu with some extra matcha. This is not only fantastic for […]

【Matcha Recipe#4】Matcha bliss balls – Looking for extra energy?

Matcha Bliss Balls Matcha bliss balls are delicious energy bombs that you can eat at any time of the day. They are in no time ready and the texture gives a very pleasant taste sensation in your mouth. Choose your favorite nuts and combine them with pitted dates. Sift in the matcha, blend shortly, and […]

【Matcha Recipe#3】Matcha granola bars – 11 easy steps for delicious granola bars!

Matcha Granola Bars Matcha granola bars are ideal as a snack in between or at lunch, but also for breakfast. The round shape, gold-coloured quinoa, and the deep-green color of the Matcha make these bars shine like a real diamond. In addition to these looks, the bitterness of the Matcha, the crunchiness of the quinoa, […]

【Matcha Recipe#2】Matcha Ice cream – Ice cream with an unique bitterness

Matcha Ice cream Matcha ice cream is highly recommended for those who want to refrain from too sweet ice cream. The unique bitterness and beautiful green color of this Matcha ice cream will captivate you until the last bite. This ice cream can be eaten to cool down, but is also recommended to be eaten […]